Nicky’s Slippers Orchid Show Schedule for 2024:
Meet Nicky Zurcher at these Orchid Shows around Australia and buy orchids direct from the grower.
Here you can buy flowering slipper orchids in full bloom in their own pots with potting mix, as well as a wide range of bare rooted plants.
April 13, 14 Collectors Pant Fair, Hawkesbury Racecourse, Clarendon, Sydney.
The 2023 Australian Orchid Show events where exhibited my orchids:
February – Queensland International Orchid Fair.
April – Festival of Flowers. Enfield, Adelaide.
April 15, 16 Collectors Pant Fair, Hawkesbury Racecourse, Clarendon, Sydney.
May - Orchids out West. Hawkesbury Showgrounds, Clarendon, Sydney.
June - SAROC Orchid Show. Adelaide. - Not attending this year.
June 24, 25 - Mingara Orchid Fair. Mingara Recreation Club, Tumbi Umbi, Central Coast, NSW.
July - 8 July. Orchid Club of South Australia Winter Show. Klemzig Community Hall. 232 North East Road.
August 18, 19, 20 – St Ives Orchid Fair, St Ives Showground, Conway Ave (off Mona Vale Rd), St Ives, Sydney.
October 13, 14, 15 Orchids Central - Club Connell Park. Bankstown, Sydney. (replaces Southern Orchid Spectacular).
If you love flowers and orchids, then these orchid shows are well worth a visit to see my colourful display of Slipper Orchids which I put together at each event.
Come and say hello!
Stay tuned to my Facebook page for more updates and weekly one-off plant sales.
Orchid Links.
Orchid Club of South Australia Inc.
South Coast Orchid Club of South Australia
South Australian Native Orchid Society
The Australian Orchid Review (Magazine)
The Collectors Plant Fair (NSW Event)